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Problemistics - Problémistique - Problemistica
The Art & Craft of Problem Dealing
Agnew, Neil McK. and Sandra W. Pyke
[1969] The Science Game. An Introduction to Research in the Behavioral Science, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Bernard, Claude
[1865] Introduction à l'étude de la médecine expérimentale, Garnier-Flammarion, Paris 1966
Beveridge, W. I. B.
[1950] The Art of Scientific Investigation, Random House Vintage Books, New York, 1957
Caws, Peter
[1965] The Philosophy of Science, D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey
Kaplan, Abraham
[1964] The Conduct of Inquiry. Methodology for Behavioral Science, Chandler Publishing Company, Scranton, Pennsylvania
Madge, John
[1953] The Tools of Social Science, Longmans, London, 1965
Van Dalen, Deobold B.
[1962] Understanding Educational Research. An Introduction, Mc-Graw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1979