



Bell, Daniel
[1965]  Twelve Modes of Prediction, in Penguin Survey of the Social Sciences 1965, Penguin, Harmondsworth

Carley, Michael
[1980]  Rational Techniques in Policy Analysis, Heinemann Educational Books, London

de Jouvenel, Bertrand
[1964]  L’art de la conjecture, Éditions du Rocher, Monaco
[Versione italiana: L’arte della congettura, Vallecchi editore, Firenze, 1967]

Jantsch, Erich
[1966]  Technological Forecasting in Perspective, OECD, Paris

Jantsch, Erich
[1972]  Technological Planning and Social Futures, Associated Business Programmes

Simon, Herbert A.
[1969]  The Sciences of the Artificial, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Second Edition, 1988

[1975]  The Art of Anticipation. Values and methods in forecasting, Martin Robertson, London, 1975

Waddington, C. H.
[1977]  Tools for Thought, Jonathan Cape, London





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