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Problemistics - Problémistique - Problemistica
The Art & Craft of Problem Dealing
Ackoff, Russell L. and Fred E. Emery
[1972] On Purposeful Systems, Tavistock Publications, London
Churchman, C., R. Ackoff and E. Arnoff
[1957] Introduction to Operations Research, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964
Gibbs, G.I.
[1978] Dictionary of Gaming, Modelling and Simulation, E & FN Spon Ltd., London
Hanika, F. de P.
[1965] New Thinking in Management, Heinemann, London, Second Edition, 1972
Lee, Colin
[1973] Models in Planning, Pergamon Press, Oxford
Waddington, C. H.
[1977] Tools for Thought, Jonathan Cape, London