


Ansoff, Igor
[1965] Corporate Strategy, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1968

Bruton, Michael, editor
[1974] The Spirit and Purpose of Planning, Hutchinson, London

Camhis, Mario
[1979] Planning Theory and Philosophy, Tavistock Publications, London

Chadwick, George
[1971] A Systems View of Planning, Pergamon Press, Oxford

Churchman, C. West
[1968] The Systems Approach, Dell Publishing, New York, Second Edition 1979

Cyert, Richard M. and  James, G. March
[1963] A Behavioral Theory of the Firm, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1964

Faludi, Andreas
[1973] Planning Theory, Pergamon Press, Oxford 1976

Faludi, Andreas, editor
[1973] A Reader in Planning Theory, Pergamon Press, Oxford

Gans, Herbert J.
[1968] People and Plans. Essays on Urban Problems and Solutions, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1972

Hall, Peter
[1975] Urban & Regional Planning, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1977

Hoc, Jean-Michel
[1987, French Edition] Cognitive Psychology of Planning, Academic Press, London, 1988
French Title : Psychologie Cognitive de la Planification

Jantsch, Erich
[1972] Technological Planning and Social Futures, Associated Business Programmes

Jantsch, Erich editor
[1968] Perspectives of Planning, OECD, Paris

Kast, Fremont E. and James E. Rosenzweig
[1970] Organization and Management, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 1979

Massé, Pierre
[1965] Le Plan ou l'Anti-hasard, Gallimard, Paris

McLoughlin, J. Brian
[1969] Urban and Regional Planning. A Systems Approach, Faber, London, 1973

Miller, George; Eugene Galanter; Karl H. Pribram
[1960] Plans and the Structure of Behaviour, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, London, 1979

Richardson, Harry W.
[1969] Elements of Regional Economics, Penguin, Harmondsworth

Simon, Herbert A.
[1945] Administrative Behavior, The Free Press, New York, Second Edition, 1965


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