


Ackoff, Russell L. and Fred E. Emery
[1972] On Purposeful Systems, Tavistock Publications, London

Beishon, John
[1971] Systems, The Open University Press, Milton Keynes, 1976

Beishon, John and Geoff Peters, editors
[1972] Systems Behaviour, Harper & Row, London, Second Edition, 1976

Buckley, Walter
[1967] Sociology and Modern Systems Theory, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Chadwick, George
[1971] A Systems View of Planning, Pergamon Press, Oxford

Churchman, C. West
[1968] The Systems Approach, Dell Publishing, New York, Second Edition, 1979

[1749] Traité des Systèmes, Chez les Libraires Associés, Paris, 1793

Donald, Archie
[1967] Management Information and Systems, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Second Edition, 1979

Emery, Fred E., editor
[1969] Systems Thinking, Penguin, Harmondsworth

Jantsch, Erich
[1980] The Self-Organizing Universe, Pergamon Press, Oxford

Laszlo, Ervin
[1972] The Systems View of the World, Blackwell, Oxford

McLoughlin, J. Brian
[1969] Urban and Regional Planning. A Systems Approach, Faber, London, 1973

Optner, Stanford L., editor
[1973] Systems Analysis, Penguin, Harmondsworth

Sutherland, John W.
[1975] Systems. Analysis, Administration and Architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York

von Bertalanffy, Ludwig
[1952] Problems of Life. An Evaluation of Modern Biological and Scientific Thought, Harper, New York, 1960

[1968] General System Theory. Foundations, Development, Applications, Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, London, 1971

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