


Akin, Ömer
[1986] Psychology of Architectural Design, Pion, London

Arnheim, Rudolph
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Cross, Nigel and Robin Roy
[1975] Design Methods Manual, The Open University, Milton Keynes

Dondis, Donis A.
[1973] A Primer in Visual Literacy, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991

Jones, J. Christopher
[1970] Design Methods. Seeds of Human Future, John Wiley & Sons, New York, Revised Edition, 1982

Lockwood, Arthur
[1969] Diagrams, Studio Vista, London

Margolin, Victor, editor
[1989] Design Discourse, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago

Palmer, Mickey A.
[1981] The Architect's Guide to Facility Programming, The American Institute of Architects, Washington D.C.

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[1969] The Sciences of the Artificial, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Second Edition, 1988

Tufte, Edward R.
[1983] The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Graphics Press, Cheshire Connecticut, Thirteenth Printing, 1993


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