




Presentation : summing up



Presentation  (^)

Presentation is the preliminary laying out of bits of Information concerning entities under investigation.

Entities can be presented in terms of:

- Definitions
- Classifications
- Functions



Definitions  (^)

Definitions are the denomination/differentiation of entities

The denomination/differentiation of entities is generally made by means of:
- Exemplification (e.g. showing examples)
- Characterization ( e.g. highlighting features)
- Operationalization (e.g. describing functions)

The role of Definitions is to:
- Convey Meanings (stress on clear and simple definition)
- Deepen Understanding (stress on adequate and effective definition)
- Increase Operativity (stress on precise and concise definition)



Classifications  (^)

Classifications are the categorization/systematization of entities.

The categorization/systematization of entities is usually made through:
- Listing (e.g. features, functions)
- Grouping (e.g. common features, occurrences)
- Labelling (e.g. categories, classes)

The role of Classifications is to reduce complexity and increase mastery.
To do so a classification should be:
- exhaustive (no omission in listing)
- exclusive (no ambiguity in grouping)
- effective (no superfluity in labelling)



Functions  (^)

Functions are the utilization/finalization of entities.

The utilization/finalization of entities is generally conveyed through the depiction of:
- Uses
- Effects
- Links

The role of Functions is to illustrate:
- common applications (uses)
- likely consequences (effects)
- plausible connections (links)



Presentation : summing up  (^)

Presentation is the preliminary focusing phase when vague entities under initial investigation are subjected to an increasing laying out in terms of
- Definitions
- Classifications
- Functions

This Presentation phase prepares the way to a better worked out phase of Documentation.



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