




Simulating : summing up



Simulating  (^)

Simulating is performing a Simulation, that is carrying out selective operations on and combinations of variables in Models.

In Problem Dealing, Simulating is an aid to Decision Taking insofar as it produces Information on:
- feasibility of different courses of action
- acceptability of different courses of action



Simulation  (^)

Simulation  (^)

A Simulation is the carrying out of operations on and combinations of variables according to rules. The rules are Parameters, Criteria and Standards associated with or attributed to the variables.
A Simulation is the selective interplay of variables according to Parameters, Criteria, Standards.

A Simulation is characterized by :
- Steps (how it is built)
- Tasks (what it performs)

Steps  (^)

For a Simulation to take place it is necessary:
- to build a model with the essential/relevant elements (variables)
- to specify the (actual, potential) rules of behaviour of the variables
- to activate the variables according to rules
- to expose, through the model, the likely behaviour of the system

Several rules of behaviour (e.g. different parameters, criteria, standards) give way to several simulations and to distinct results.

Tasks  (^)

Simulation in Problem Dealing can assist in the associated tasks of:
- tinkering (playing around with ideas)
- testing (trying out ideas)
- training (learning by implementing ideas)

Simulation is mainly performed through the use of computers that can assist in performing these tasks in the form of CAD (Computer Assisted Design), CAM (Computer Assisted Manufacturing), CAL (Computer Assisted Learning) and so on.



Simulating : summing up  (^)

Simulating is the activation of  Models that is some reliable (truthful) and accurate (precise) representations of a situation and its working processes.

Simulating assists in mastering complex and varied situations by giving a cognitive insight into the different outcomes that could result from different decisions (what ... if).

From this point of view Simulating is one of the best tools for virtual Anticipation of possible events (forecasting) fostering the actual Anticipation of desirable events (futurecasting).



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