



Relation Specification
Performance Specification

Specification : summing up



Specification  (^)

Specification is the taking into consideration of Parameters, Criteria, Standards in relation to the achievement of an objective.
Parameters, Criteria, Standards refer to Fields, Factors, Features, of Modules and their independent/interdependent performance.

Tools for Specification are:
- Relation Specification
- Performance Specification



Relation Specification  (^)

Relation Specification is the representation of combinations as:
- connections amongst variables (fields, factors, features)
- interactions amongst variables (fields, factors, features)

The function of Relation Specification is to highlight the accepted combinations according to given Parameters, Criteria, Standards.

Relation Specification can be in the form of:
- Relation Net (connections)
- Interaction Matrix (interactions)

Performance Specification  (^)

Performance Specification is the highlighting of the requirements to be present in a Solution in terms of Parameters, Criteria, Standards concerning Fields, Factors, Features of Modules.

Performance Specification does not refer to a specific type of Solution but to the characteristics (requirements) of a potential Solution.



Specification : summing up  (^)

A good detailed Specification avoids the risks of the Problem Dealer pursuing a Solution that, at the evaluation stage, turns out to be inadequate or impracticable.

Specification, in conjunction with Clarification, prepares the ground for Ideation insofar as it makes clear the area of possible solution(s) and points in the direction of the most acceptable/desirable one.



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