Bibliographies - Bibliografie


revised : August 2024
American Books in Print
R. R. Bowker, New York
British Books in Print
J. Whitaker, London
Catalogo dei Libri Italiani in Commercio (Italia)
Associazione Italiana Editori, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano
Cumulative Book Index : a world list of books in the English language
H. W. Wilson, New York, 1928 -
Enciclopedia Europea (vol. XII - Bibliografia, Repertorio, Statistiche)
Garzanti Editore, Milano, 1984
Google scholar
Guide des Sources d'Information
E. Bichet, M. Zbinden, S. Dubois, S. Foutrier, CFPJ, Paris, 1997
Guide to Reference Books
Robert Balay; American Library Association, Chicago, 1996
International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures
The Modern Language Association of America, New York, Yearly
Internet Speculative Fiction Database, The
Libros en Venta en America Latina y España
Guía Bibliografica de los Libros Disponibles en Español, NISC, Puerto Rico
Livres Disponibles (French Books in Print)
Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie, Paris
Manuel de Bibliographie Générale
Marie-Hélène Prévoteau et Jean-Claude Utard, Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie, Paris, 1996
Multimedia and CD-rom Directory
TFPL Publishing, London, current year
Ouvrages de Référence pour les Bibliothèques
Marcelle Beaudiquez and Annie Bethery, Édition du Cercle de la Librairie, Paris, 1995
Oxford Bibliographies
Reference Sources Handbook
edited by Peter W. Lea with Alan Day, Library Association Publishing, London, 1996
Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher (German Books in Print)
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Walford's Guide to Reference Material
1  Science and Technology
2  Social and Historical Sciences, Philosophy, Religion
3  Generalia, Language and Literature, The Arts
Library Association, London,1995
Wikipedia : List of Bibliographies
World Bibliography of Bibliographies
Theodore Besterman, Societas Bibliographica, Lausanne, 1966
World Bibliography of Bibliographies. A Decennial Supplement to T. Besterman
Alice F. Toomey, Rowman & Littlefield, N.J., Usa, 1977



see also : Information & Documentation - Informazione & Documentazione


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