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Anthropology & Ethnology - Anthropologie & Ethnologie - Antropologia & Etnologia
revised : July 2015 |
American Anthropological Association http://www.aaanet.org/ |
American Museum of Natural History (Anthropology) http://www.amnh.org/our-research/anthropology/ |
Annual Review of Anthropology http://www.annualreviews.org/loi/anthro |
Anthropological Index https://therai.org.uk/anthropological-index-online |
Anthropology in the News (Department of Anthropology, Texas) http://anthropology.tamu.edu/html/in-the-news.html |
Anthropology of Europe, Society for the http://www.h-net.org/~sae/sae/ |
Companion Encyclopaedia of Anthropology edited by Tim Ingold, Routledge, London, 1997 |
Dictionnaire de l'Ethnologie et de l'Anthropologie sous la direction de Pierre Bonte et Michel Izard, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 2002 |
Encyclopaedia of Anthropology edited by D. E. Hunter and P. Whitten, Harper & Row, New York, 1976 |
Encyclopaedia of Cultural Anthropology (4 volumes) David Levinson and Melvin Ember, Henry Holt, New York 1996 |
Encyclopedia of World Cultures (9 volumes + index + supplement) David Levinson, editor in chief, G. K. Hall & Co., New York, 1994 |
American Folklife Center http://lcweb.loc.gov/folklife/other.html |
Ethnography. Principles in Practice Paul Atkinson and Martyn Hammersley, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2007 |
Folklore Society, The (London) http://www.folklore-society.com/ |
Human Relations Area Files (Yale University) http://hraf.yale.edu/ |
Macmillan Dictionary of Anthropology by G. Seymour-Smith; Macmillan, London, 1986 |
Museum of Mankind [Anthropological Museum + Ethnographic Library] 6 Burlington Gardens, London W1X 2EX |
National Anthropological Archives (USA) http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/ |
Pitt Rivers Museum South Parks road, Oxford OX1 3PP http://www.prm.ox.ac.uk |
Royal Anthropological Institute, The (United Kingdom) http://www.therai.org.uk/ |